I have received many messages and comments over the years asking for clarification on the concept of 'superfat' in cold process soap making and soap recipe formulation. Here is my video on the subject, finally!
If you have asked yourself any of the following questions, then this video is for you:
◾ What is 'superfat' in soap making?
◾ How is superfat calculated?
◾ What is the difference between superfat and lye discount?
◾ Do I need extra oil for my superfat when I'm calculating my soap recipe in Soap Calc?
◾ How much superfat should I use for my soap recipe?
◾ What is wrong with a too high or too low superfat amount in my soap?
I'm very pleased to announce that my website is now live! You can find all of my videos plus a whole range of other useful information there now at https://www.ellyseveryday.com/
Sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide (lyes) used in soap making, in granular or flake form or in solution with water/other liquids, as well as raw soap batter, are highly corrosive and require careful and attentive handling and the proper use of personal protective equipment. Please watch this video to learn more about essential soap making safety precautions: https://youtu.be/EZTsW9UvNmU
DISCLAIMER The information provided in my videos and website is based on my own personal research and experience and is provided for informational purposes only. While I take the utmost care to ensure that the recipes and information I provide are accurate and calculated without error, I am not a professional soap manufacturer, nor do I have formal qualifications in chemistry or skincare formulation (or any other related field) and I make no guarantees about the correctness of the information presented. I am not responsible for the consequences of the application or misapplication of any of the information I provide. Use the information in my videos and on my website at your own risk.
Full site disclaimer: https://www.ellyseveryday.com/disclaimer
Thank you for your wonderful support everyone. If you have questions that I am unable to reply to in the comments section, please visit my website for more information https://www.ellyseveryday.com/
If you would like to support my work further, please visit my 'Buy Me a Coffee' page: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ellyseveryday (thank you!)
Copyright © Elly’s Everyday 2021