瀘山東麓、邛海西岸中段,依山傍水——西昌邛海公園|Surrounded by mountains and rivers—Qionghai Park, Xichang, Sichuan
邛海公園位於瀘山東麓、邛海西岸中段,是一處依山傍水、隨湖岸蜿蜒的全開放式濱水公共休閒場所,始建於「文革」剛結束的1978年,並於2006 年進行大規模的改、擴建。 作為邛海-瀘山山水景觀的覽軸中心,邛海公園一衣帶水,呈南北擺佈而曲折有致的窄長狀態。
Qionghai Park is located at the eastern foot of Lushan Mountain and in the middle of the west bank of Qionghai Lake. It is a fully open waterfront public leisure place surrounded by mountains and rivers and winding along the lakeshore. It was built in 1978 just after the "Cultural Revolution" and was renovated in 2006. Large-scale renovation and expansion were carried out in 2016. As the center of the Qionghai-Lushan landscape, Qionghai Park is a strip of water, in a long and narrow shape with twists and turns from north to south.
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