Surta | सुरता | New CG Song | Salini Wishvakarma & Jittu | Kanchan Joshi & Sanam
निर्माता - अमृतलाल साहू्
► Director : Amrit Lal sahu
► Singer - Kanchan Joshi & Sanam Tandan
► मोबाईल नं:- 8319836088 / 9754002447
►Lyrics : Sanam Tandan
►Music : Pramod Manikpuri
►Actor : Salini Wishvakarma & Jitu Patwari
►Choreographer : Ram Yadav
►Assistant : Ajay Soni & Ankit Soni
►Recording Studio/ mixing : Ansh Creation Tejprakash Kurrey Jaijaipur 9575117316
►Tabla : Dr. Lahor
►Dop & Camera : Tameshwar Dev
►Editor : Tameshwar Dev
►Makeup: Shivam Thakur
►Youtube : Kirit Sahu
►Special thanks : M.R.Leyout Pvt Ltd
This content is Copyright to "Amrit Music (Amrit Lal Sahu)". Any Unauthorized reproduction, redistribution or re-upload is strictly prohibited of this material. Legal action will be taken against those who violate the copyright of the following material presented!
संगवारी हो हमर सबों गीत ल मया दुलार जरूर दिहा अउ चेनल ल सस्क्राईब करें बर झन भूलाहा
Mor Jan re
Bhuri Turi
Tor Khopa
Kati mera bhetaw tola (new cg song 2022)
Hay Mar Dare
तोर बिना दिवानी cg song
Kera Bari Ke Son Chiraiya cg song
Tai Dhuriya La Bol cg song
Mor Dulaurin beti
गणेश भजन
Ram nam ki mahima bhajan 2022
Chhattisgarh Ke Devi Devta
HE JATA DHARI (बोल बम)
गायत्री महिमा
स्वयं अब जागकर हमको जगाना देश है अपना ||गीत देश भक्ति
बोल राधा
#viral #video