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Strick is back for a new Survival Challenge Series! He's re-visiting different survival stories while travelling remote parts of New Guinea and Indonesia. There's tales of heroic survival against all odds, and some tragic endings... Join him in the exact location of these scenarios to test his own survival skills and share their crazy stories.
This Episode shares the mindblowing story of Michael Rockerfeller... Where some of the most powerful people in the world come across some of the most primitive, but it may not end how you think!
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Watch more of Strick's Survival Challenges here:
Heaps of our adventures don't make it onto YouTube, you can see check them out here:
This Channel follows the adventures of two Aussie best mates; Strick and Az who both share their Episodes here. B2B all about remote and wild adventures. Surviving from the ocean, living from the land and getting 'Back 2 Basics'.