Full Course:
Svelte 3+ Fundamentals, v2: https://frontendmasters.com/courses/svelte-v2/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=course_link&utm_campaign=svelte-v2
About this Course:
Challenge your knowledge with a quiz on the advanced parts of web development! You’ll answer 30 questions spanning a wide range of front-end development concepts, from JavaScript and CSS to delving into the more complex areas of performance optimization, web security, and HTTP protocols. After each question, Lydia will explain the answer and dive deeper into the topic to give you a more extensive understanding.
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Advance your skills with in-depth, modern front-end engineering courses — our 150+ high-quality courses and 18 curated learning paths will guide you from mid-level to senior developer! https://frontendmasters.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=home_link&utm_campaign=svelte-v2
0:00 - Introduction and Course Description
0:41 - Reactivity
4:06 - Motion
8:08 - Switching Game State