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🌎《吞噬星空》Swallowed Star 最新4K!EP158!针对罗峰的阴谋曝光,罗峰为大哥镇场强势对峙幻灵王!MUTI SUB | Donghua

刀哥说动漫 33,482 1 week ago
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下载WeTV APP可以看更多精彩动漫最新节目: #刀哥说动漫 #国漫 #动漫解说 #cartoon #anime #斗罗大陆 #斗破苍穹 #吞噬星空 #画江湖之不良人 #神印王座 #完美世界 #非人哉 #遮天 Drama Name:【吞噬星空 Swallowed Star】 💕简介:某一天,地球上出现了不明来由的RR病毒,将世界卷入灾难之中。受到感染的动物变异成为可怕的怪兽,大举入侵,人类面临毁灭之际筑起了围墙,成立基地市作为人类最后的堡垒。人类在这一段时间经历的磨难,被称为“大涅槃时期”。在极端的生存环境下,人类的体能也在逐渐地进步发展,尚武之风兴起,人类的身体素质相比以前有了质的飞越。而这其中的佼佼者,被称为“武者”。 18岁的罗峰也梦想着成为其中的一员。此时的他即将高考,正面临着人生十字路口的抉择,却不料怪兽的一次袭击影响了他的人生轨迹。在强大怪兽的威胁之下,市内居民面临危险,军方却束手无策。唯有一名武者挺身而出,保卫了基地市的安全。罗峰被武者的强大所感染,暗自立下成为武者以保护所爱之人的决心。这是一切的开始,罗峰武者之路的起点,也拉开了他传奇人生的序幕。 罗峰立志成为武者,前路却并不平坦,他首先要面对的便是外部环境无形中对他施加的影响。罗峰家庭条件不佳,生活拮据,父母无法给予他更多帮助,只能依靠自己的努力。最终,在不断的艰苦磨砺下,罗峰不断发掘自身潜能,得到了能力提升和自我价值的认可。不仅如此,罗峰不仅扛起了供养家庭的重担,还为了守护人类家园、为了人类更好的生存与发展,与其他正义的武者们一起,联手对付凶恶怪兽。在末日绝境之下,罗峰与其他武者们能否击退怪兽、成功守护人类世界? 🌟【Synopsis】One day, an unexplained virus appeared on Earth, plunging the world into disaster. Infected animals mutated into horrible monsters, and when mankind was facing destruction, they built a wall and set up a base city as the last bastion of mankind. In the extreme survival environment, human physical ability is also gradually progressing and development, the physical quality of human beings compared to the previous quality has soared. The best of them are called "martial artists". At the age of 18, Luo Feng aspired to become a martial artist, but the road ahead was not smooth. In the end, under the constant grueling grind, Luo Feng continued to explore his potential, and was recognized for his ability to improve and his self-worth. Will Luo Feng and other martial artists be able to repel the monsters and successfully protect the human world under the desperate situation of doomsday? Welcome to subscribe~欢迎订阅刀哥说动漫~ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙ 这里每天都会为大家更新精彩好剧短视频解说哟~ 喜欢的话请大力的戳我吧!(✪ω✪)
