Swami Sarvapriyananda II Divine Mother is Transcendent and Immanent#motivation
Divine Mother is Transcendent and Immanent | Swami Sarvapriyananda
One of the most ancient texts, Devi Suktam from the Rig Veda, is about the Divine as revealed to a feminine form who goes on to describe her revelation in the first person.
Video Courtesy: Vedanta Society, New York.
Full Video link: https://youtu.be/xjkNVVpNhbU?si=eg9PiS1k_yQP_-W4
• A Hymn to the Devi - Devisuktam | Swa...
Swami Vivekananda was consecrated to Mother Kali by Sri Ramakrishna. In this talk, Eev. Maharaj describes what Swami Vivekananda revealed at different times about his experience with Mother Kali and also discusses the poems written by Swamiji on Her, Kali the Mother and Let Shyama Dance. Also why Swamiji never preached Kali either in the West nor in the East. How to conceive the Mother in the seemingly terrible aspect, what it means etc.
Full video link:
• Vivekananda & Kali by Swami Mahayogan...
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0:01 Divine Mother is Transcendent and Immanent
0:06 Swami brahmananda was there in Kashi in
1:03 so the grace comes from the Divine
1:06 uh so it is so Swami brahmananda asked
Everest of Excellence whether you want
2:00 to be an enlightened one whether you
some are fed in the morning some in the
3:00 afternoon some in the late afternoon
4:00 billion dollars for me that's all I want
5:00this is the way the Bengali women who
5:58who destroys all the enemies of the
7:41went back and fought on the German side
This video is an excerpt from the below video available from the Vedanta Society of New York YouTube channel. Copyright of Vedanta Society of New York.
FULL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/DkMRiiVJFWg?si=L73D07bhPRezsolw
In this 3rd of a series of lectures on the Mandukya Karika of Gaudapada, (the first two
being titled "The Essence of All Vedanta," and "The Ultimate Truth", respectively),
Swami Sarvapriyananda explains the concept of ""No Mind"" (amanibhava), which is
based on the 3rd chapter of the Mandukya Karika, as it relates to the concepts of
Advaita (nonduality), and Moksha (liberation).
December 26th, 2021 is Holy Mother Sri Maa Sarada Devi’s Birthday Tithi (Jayanti).
Let us all immerse ourselves in the divine play of Mother.
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