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Forest areas of temperate climate dependent on strong waterlogging of the soil and periodic flooding with water are exceptionally rich in natural environment. People rarely reach deep into these marshy forests and have the opportunity to see at least animals living there. Film pictures show what is inaccessible and unique in these habitats.
Ols is colloquially called "forest on tufts" or "forest on water". It is formed by tree stands dominated by black alder which sometimes is accompanied by downy birch, ash or common pine. This inaccessible, old ols is the nesting site for cranes. The camera shows young cranes, which parents take care of tenderly, chasing predators, lurking for the young.
Wetlands are also such rare habitats as boreal spruce, limited to a narrow belt in the north-east of the country, or boggy forests, which occupy only 1% of forest areas in Poland.
In the north and east of Poland, in the depressions of the area with a high level of groundwater, the bog birch grows. Such a forest almost pure birch forest creates an extraordinary landscape.
Many species of animals are associated with wetlands. The film includes water-marsh birds, elks in the Biebrza Marshes, gray mosses, mud turtles, beavers, and wolves.
Beautiful, inaccessible landscapes of forest marshes together with their hidden inhabitants create a unique atmosphere. It is worth to feel it, if only in film.
Photographs: Michał and Tomasz Ogrodowczyk, Sławomir Skupiński, Rafał Siek, Bartosz Klamra / ORWLP.
He described: Joachim
He translated: Joachim