I found it very interesting in my last video swatching out all my greens and seeing all the different brands side by side so, this time, I decided I to do the same with all my earth watercolors.
Materials used in this video:
Baohong Academy watercolor paper 300gam Coldpress
Escoda Perla Round Travel Brush Size 10
Cotman Yellow Ochre
Mijello Mission Gold Yellow Ochre No.1
Paul Rubens Yellow Ochre
Rembrandt Yellow Ochre
Schmincke Horadam Yellow Ochre
Van Gogh Yellow Ochre
Holbein Raw Sienna
Lukas Raw Sienna
Rembrandt Raw Sienna
Rembrandt Raw Umber
Holbein Burnt Sienna
Mijello Mission Gold Burnt Sienna
Mijello Mission Gold Dark Burnt Sienna
Rembrandt Burnt Sienna
Schmincke Horadam Burnt Sienna
Van Gogh Burnt Sienna
Cotman Light Red
Rembrandt Light Oxide Red
Cotman Indian Red
Rembrandt Indian Red
Mijello Mission Gold Red Brown
Cotman Burnt Umber
Rembrandt Burnt Umber
Schmincke Burnt Umber
Paul Rubens Burned Brown
Mijello Mission Gold Van Dyke Brown.
Mijello Mission Silver Van Dyke Brown
Cotman Sepia
Mijello Mission Gold Sepia
Schmincke Horadam Sepia Brown
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