Fun & Interesting

Sweet & Sour Pork! Foreigners Can’t Stop Eating! Chinese Food Craze! 锅包肉瞬间秒光!丹麦堂弟们扫荡一桌东北菜!筷子根本停不下来

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Cousins came back for Chinese food tasting! We made Guo Bao You! Food from the North China Completely amazed them! 帅堂弟们返场了!!这次挑战东北菜直接香迷糊了!!这俩是真的话不多爱干饭哈哈哈,天亮吃到天黑,最后直接在我厨房里吃起来冷菜了哈哈哈 Want more content like behind the scenes footage, cute shorts and more awesome channel perks? Consider joining our membership program:) 记得订阅我们的频道,获取更多新视频呀 Don't forget to subscribe to be notified of our new videos:) Subscribe - 💞请在这里关注我们 FIND US HERE Bilibili: 北欧冷冰冰 小红书: 北欧冷冰冰 西瓜视频: 北欧冷冰冰 头条号 : 北欧冷冰冰 抖音: 北欧冷冰冰 百家号 : 北欧冷冰冰 💌您的建议 YOUR SUGGESTIONS 我们非常乐意听您分享给我们你想看的视频内容。如果你有任何想看的关于北欧或者我们家庭的视频,欢迎随时留言告诉我们,也许下一个视频就是你建议的呢😊 商务洽谈 business inquiries: [email protected]
