It might not always be obvious, but the Latter-day Saint temple endowment points to Jesus Christ in all its aspects. The purpose of the temple endowment is to help us learn how to return to the presence of our God, but it also serves to help us learn how to become LIKE God in new ways.
The temple helps us learn to be like God, to resemble Him in purpose, spirit, and visage. Naturally, by living a good, honest, and virtuous life we become more like God. By living our temple covenants we become more godly and approach the likeness of God. But today I’d like to narrow in on how the temple symbolically and ritually helps us to resemble Christ. The temple teaches us to receive the image of Christ in our names, in our hands, in our countenances, and in our hearts.
This was originally a fireside given on April 16, 2022 entitled, “We Shall Be Like Him: Becoming As Christ Through The Temple.”