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T पॉइंट नेगेटिव क्यों & क्या हैं इनकी Remedy? Vastu Video On T Point In Hindi, Remedy Of T Junction

Dr Anand Bhardwaj Vastu Consultant 9,816 lượt xem 2 months ago
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Vastu Shastra and हिंदी में वास्तु also टी जंक्शन वास्तु and टी पॉइंट वास्तु defined here. Also टी पॉइंट नेगेटिव क्यों और क्या हैं इनकी रेमेडी टी पॉइंट किसे कहते हैं along with क्या सभी टी पॉइंट नेगेटिव होते हैं? No. क्या सभी टी पॉइंट सीरियस होते हैं? No. टी पॉइंट नेगेटिव क्यों होते हैं? why. Answers atre here. पॉजिटिव टी पॉइंट्स कौन से होते हैं and also vastu video on t point in hindi but Best Remedy of T Junction for Best Remedy of T point and vastu video in hindi defined here. How to treat t point and also How to cure t point are important. But why all t points are negative and also Remedy of t point in front of house and also difference between t junction and t point so south facing t-point positive or negative however east facing t point positive or negative hence Vastu tips for t point and also what is a t point in vastu and also Why t points are negative whereas Vastu remedy of T point and also north east facing t-point and also Cross roads vastu impacts. Now, Vastu Shastra (वास्तु शास्त्र) is an ancient architectural science that guides us in creating harmonious spaces. One common concern in Vastu is the impact of a T-junction or T-point (टी पॉइंट) on a property. The term T-junction Vastu refers to a property located at the intersection where one road directly faces the house. People often ask, "Why are T-points negative?" (टी पॉइंट नेगेटिव क्यों होते हैं), and what are the best remedies for these situations? While not all T-points (टी पॉइंट) are negative, understanding their nature is essential to avoid problems. T-Point: Negative or Positive? A T-point can bring either positive or negative energies depending on its direction. For example, a north-east facing T-point (उत्तर-पूर्व टी पॉइंट) is often considered auspicious, while a south-facing T-point (दक्षिणमुखी टी पॉइंट) might have challenging impacts. The question arises, "What is a T-point in Vastu?" (टी पॉइंट किसे कहते हैं). Simply put, it’s the point where the flow of traffic or energy hits the property directly, which can create imbalances. Impacts and Remedies: One common issue is why all T-points are not treated equally. Some may only pose minor disturbances, while others are serious. "Are all T-points serious?" (क्या सभी टी पॉइंट सीरियस होते हैं) is another frequently asked question. Proper remedies, such as Vastu tips for T-points (टी पॉइंट वास्तु टिप्स), can mitigate negativity. Remedies like planting dense trees, placing mirrors, or erecting walls can deflect negative energy. The Best Remedy for T-junctions (टी जंक्शन की सर्वोत्तम उपाय) depends on the property’s orientation. Directional Impacts: For example, an east-facing T-point (पूर्वमुखी टी पॉइंट) may symbolize growth but needs careful treatment to avoid energy disturbances. On the other hand, south-facing T-points often bring financial instability unless remedied. Understanding the difference between T-junction and T-point (टी जंक्शन और टी पॉइंट में अंतर) is crucial to addressing their specific impacts. Conclusion: Through proper analysis and applying T-point remedies in Vastu (टी पॉइंट वास्तु के उपाय), one can ensure balanced energy. Whether you’re curious about Vastu videos on T-points in Hindi (टी पॉइंट पर वास्तु वीडियो) or want to know how to cure a T-point (टी पॉइंट को कैसे ठीक करें), consulting an expert is always beneficial. Remember, not all T-points are negative.

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