TS Kalyanaraman, Chairman, Kalyan Jewellers was born in Thrissur City to Seetharamaiyer. His family has been in business for the last 112 years. It was his grandfather, T. S. Kalyanaramaiyer who first moved away from priesthood and became a businessman. The decision to start business was taken in response to the call of one of the senior relatives of the clan, who was a Dewan to the Maharaja of Kochi, who believed ‘Enterprise and business was necessary to create job opportunities and to make India self dependent’. He also believed that ‘business should be fair with a social objective and not just for self motives’. The group still adheres to the founding principles of its forefathers and this explains the group’s firm grounding in fair business practices and ethics.
FTQ Redux. FTQ - Face This Question - is the new avatar of the cult classic Malayalam TV show of the late nineties, FTQ - Family Tele Quiz - hosted by popular host Rekha Menon. This time around Rekha Menon chats up with digital celebrities and makes them FTQ - Face This Question.