tabla/बांया में जान डाल देने वाला कायदा 7 दिन में फर्क देख सकते हैं/shreedhara chari/indian music/tabla taal/tabla bol/dadra/keharwa/rupak/baya
Bol :---- धा गेना तेटे गेना |
धागेना धातेटे गेना|
धागेनातेटे गेना |
धागेना धागे तीना किना
dha gena tetegena
dhagena dhatete gena
dhagenatete gena
dhagena dhage tina kina
#tablacover #tabla #tablaboy #tablasolo #tablalover #tablaclasses #tablamusic #hindisongs
#dholakpractice #shreedharachari #dholakpractice #youtube #music #youtuber #kayada #teental #bollywood#girishvishwa #dholakpractice #dholakcover #garba #shreedharachari
#bollywoodsongs #bollywood #indianmusic #hindustanimusic
In this video, I'll be teaching you to play tabla .Hope you enjoyed the video ! If you have any queries, you can post it down in the comment section. I'll surely answer them. If you like the video, please do like, share and subscribe to my channel. It means a lot 😊🙏🏻 Thank you for watching!
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tez thapi link
#tablacover #tabla #tablaboy #tablasolo #tablalover #tablaclasses #tablamusic #hindisongs
#dholakpractice #shreedharachari #dholakpractice #youtube #music #youtuber #kayada #teental #bollywood#girish vishwa #dholakpractice #dholakcover #garba #shreedharachari
#bollywoodsongs #bollywood