Tabla solo | Taal Teentaal | Amogh Munavalli | Swaravandana Bhaithak
Tabla - Amogh Munavalli
Lehara - @bhagyashreehugar1564
1. Structure-
Teentaal consists of 16 beats divided into 4 equal sections of 4 beats each.
The sections are called vibhags.
2. Representation
Clap pattern: 4 claps (denoting the divisions) are performed as follows-
1st clap (sam) at beat 1.
2nd clap at beat 5.
3rd clap at beat 9.
A wave (khali) at beat 13.
Bol (syllables) -
The theka (basic rhythmic pattern) of Teentaal is represented by the following bols (syllables)
Dha Dhin Dhin Dha | Dha Dhin Dhin Dha | Dha Tin Tin Ta | Ta Dhin Dhin Dha
Importance -
Teentaal is foundational in Hindustani music, used for compositions, improvisations, and rhythmic explorations.
It is versatile, being used in both vocal and instrumental performances as well as dance forms like Kathak.
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