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[科學太極] 整勁的力學結構 Taichi in Science.Body structural mechanics of Taichi. Why taichi don't use strength

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太極拳也可以是科學的,透過力學的結構可以理解太極拳以小力勝大力,以柔克剛的道理。為何鄭曼青講太極拳要不用力,不用力怎麼打人,怎麼化解力量?發勁不就是用力嗎? 用力與不用力,透過這個結構,你就能知道他是一個客觀標準,有了客觀標準,才能是科學。 這些問題你都能在影片中得到解答。 太極拳的汲取力量的源頭是來自於身體原生的支撐結構,其實每個人都有這樣的能力,只是傳統武術找到一個方法來強化這個結構,讓他適合戰鬥。原生的這種結構在靜態狀態下是很強的,但是很難在動態維持這個結構,它就是一般武術裡說的整勁,或是說功架之力。可以簡單的把這樣的力量分成三種,第一種,一般人未經訓練,只能把它當椅子用,可以撐住很強的重量,但是椅子上的人乩動,椅子就接不住了,甚至散架了,第二種,像實心球一樣,動起來沒有間隙,但是缺乏彈性,第三種,像皮球一樣,但是有著大卡車輪胎的強度與韌度 There is a strong power never by discovered inside of your body. You just don't know how to use it. You can call it source of Kungfu. Taichi is a way to learn how to use this extraordinary power. The structural power is very powerful. But it also stupid without quick response and elasticity. Taichi provide a way to enhance this original body structure for fighting. If you use structural power with elasticity. you can generate extraordinary power just by touch your enemy. Like the video above. You can classify the body structural power in three types. First, the original one , power it generate in static way without moving body, like a chair. Second, a solid ball, you can use the power during movements without losing the structural power. Third, the last one, ultimate one, use your body like a ball with strongness of bamboo, anything touch the swinging bamboo will be hurt by vibrating power. Taichi is the way to teach you how to use the body structural power like a moving ball but without having any ball in your hand. We keep the strongness of body structural power but add more elasticity. You need to operate your back muscle in more delicate way. With strong and elastic muscle around the joint. You can have the ability to change the direction of enemy's power at the moment of touch. then you can attack your enemy like counter punch.
