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台灣味譜 Taiwan Flavour Spectrum | André Chiang | TEDxXinyi

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台灣味譜 Taiwan Flavour Spectrum 江振誠André Chiang,曾被《Elite Traveler》選為全球「未來10年15個最具影響力的廚師」、2018年亞洲五十最佳餐廳終身成就獎;成為史上唯一橫跨米其林、世界50大及全球百大名廚榜的華人名廚。13歲開始接觸廚藝,為追求更高的廚藝境界前往法國學藝十餘年,25歲即成為了法國米其林三星餐廳執行主廚。之後以獨特的風格哲理、於世界各國分別創立的頂級品牌概念,被譽為料理哲學家。 國際名廚江振誠分享什麼是台灣味?台灣料理的獨特性也可以站在國際舞台,從歷史、節氣、文化、年代、風土、習俗,將台灣過去100年所有的味道組合,透過大數據的科學收集,與歷史背景而產生出來的菜色,相互交織重疊後,整理出有文化溫度及科學基礎的「台灣獨特味道排序」,而最後截取出台灣料理獨有的「味型基因」,將其味型基因透過分析整理後,成為台灣味譜。Tradition is cool! 江振誠透過他獨特想法鼓勵大家Keep the faith - 相信自己走在對的路上,樂觀等於創意,樂觀是用一個準備好了的態度來面對每一件事,趨勢家是真心相信做一件對的事不需要理由,而是主動提供更好的答案。成功的這群人,不是因為他們「找到」這條路,而是他們真心相信會有一條路,或許就是正在走的這條路,是一條通往成功的道路。 Listen to André Chiang shares about the trend towards being forward thinking and it’s rise on the foundation of optimism, the avant garde mindset and creativity. What’s the difference between optimism, creativity, and trendsetting, and how do these three mindsets drive us to tackle challenges in life? What are the flavours of Taiwan? As a reputable internationally recognized chef, André Chiang spoke to audience how creativity is his way of being optimistic, and how these three mindsets drive his work in building the Taiwan Flavour Spectrum – a bold project to collect, analyse and preserve the key elements and ingredients unique to Taiwan cuisine. The Taiwan Flavour Spectrum – which integrates history, culture, festivals, generational changes, and traditions - is a collection and analysis of Taiwanese cuisine’s flavours from the past 100 years. These elements distinguish Taiwan cuisine on the international stage and also serve as a foundation for determining future possibilities within Taiwan cuisine. Through research and analysis of historical backgrounds, we were able to formulate an order of uniqueness for Taiwanese cuisine that has a culturally sensitive scientific foundation. The final product of this order, we find out what makes Taiwanese cuisine unique, which is the “it factor” of Taiwanese cuisines today. In our life journeys, optimism is the engine of creativity. Optimism utilized a readiness approach to deal with things in life. When trend setters do things, they don’t need to explain themselves. Rather, they use their actions to provide better rationale. These people succeed are not because they find their way, but because they truly believe there will be a way to succeed. 江振誠André Chiang,曾被《Elite Traveler》選為全球「未來10年15個最具影響力的廚師」、2018年亞洲五十最佳餐廳終身成就獎;成為史上唯一橫跨米其林、世界50大及全球百大名廚榜的華人名廚。13歲開始接觸廚藝,為追求更高的廚藝境界前往法國學藝十餘年,25歲即成為了法國米其林三星餐廳執行主廚。之後以獨特的風格哲理、於世界各國分別創立的頂級品牌概念,被譽為料理哲學家。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
