Hello Friends,
It seems like it's been for ever! The month of December was rough! But we are hopefully back as much as possible given that I'm using the hubby laptop to upload videos!
Ingrid has began the new year with a wonderful theme for the newest release of her Take4 series.
This devotional kit is the 8th issue and we will be studying through it for the month of February.
Accompanying this release are the popular add on options:
journaling tickets, post cards, verse cards, and a mini stamp...
AND 3 brand new stamp sets!
I do so hope you will be able to join us this month, and I can't wait to see how you will use the alpha stamps!. Dont forget to hashtag your posts! That way we can all share our journey together and be inspired by all your beautiful posts of what God has been speaking to your heart and how that translates artistically or through journaling
#openjourneyfaith #oj_wog #oj_take4
---*Links listed below*---
*Open Journey website & Newsletter (scroll to the bottom)*
*Lindseys Word Study Wednesday" series with word focus cards
---*Open Journey Creative Team Instagram links*---
Ingrid- https://www.instagram.com/openjourney?igsh=ZG84cHVlOGx6NGFi
Lindsey- https://www.instagram.com/lindseydecor413?igsh=ZnpmZDkxdG9semF4
Sue- https://www.instagram.com/wellofblessing_?igsh=ZnZ2NDZ2Mjd0YWgy
Terri- https://www.instagram.com/terrishaver?igsh=MTVmcDhya3B1NHlqYw==
Amanda- https://www.instagram.com/journalingandgrace?igsh=MWJkN2k5c3Nvd3ExYw==
Kimberly- https://www.instagram.com/hispalette?igsh=bmU1eHN4ZjcxcDJ1
Debbie- https://www.instagram.com/debbie_swim?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==
Ericka (Me)- https://www.instagram.com/hispalette?igsh=bmU1eHN4ZjcxcDJ1
---*Background music*---
@mbbmusic feel good (entry)
@RoaMusic freedom (outro)