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Talia Lee's near death experience forces her to change! | Tuesday Report: Restart 星期二特写:重启 EP3

Entertainment - Mediacorp 57,854 lượt xem 11 months ago
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Talia lived a decadent life in her younger days. She indulged in night revelries, alcohol, smoking, and drug consumption. A near-death experience resulting from drug overdose, compelled her to turn away from her reckless past and embark on a fresh start. Talia now in her fifties, established a social enterprise to aid older women with criminal records to reintegrate into society. How she made it? 从小缺乏家庭温暖的李敏仪,年轻就开始过着糜烂的生活,她夜夜笙歌,喝酒,抽烟,滥用药物。一次过量用药,几乎丧命。从鬼门关绕了一回,她痛改前非,决心远离荒唐岁月。 然而,人生依旧跌宕起伏,但她不再退缩。现在五十多岁的李敏仪,成立了社会企业,帮助有前科的年长妇女,重返社会,她怎么做到?
