Talk Gnosis welcomes back Dr. Shirley Paulson to discuss her new FREE course on the Nag Hammadi and related texts. Dive into how these texts portray Jesus as a teacher and healer rather than a sacrifice, celebrate divine feminine figures like Mary Magdalene and Sophia, and offers seekers mystical, but practical wisdom, for navigating the world we live in.
Featuring insights from renowned scholars and addressing common misconceptions and cliches about Gnostic (or if you prefer, “Gnostic”) this conversation invites listeners to discover how these ancient writings speak to contemporary spiritual needs.
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Dr. Paulson has a great blog post that goes through ten points about why the Nag Hammadi writings matter for right here and right now. Check it out for yourself and share it with someone you think might be interested! You can read it at:
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The Apostolic Johannite Church is an esoteric, Gnostic, Christian community. Many of us seek a real spiritual community which is loving, inclusive, spiritually lively and empowering of people of all genders, races and sexualities, both rich and poor.
The Johannite tradition represents just such a community: founded by Saint John the beloved disciple of Jesus, rooted in the tradition of John the Baptist and guided by direct, experiential contact with the Divine, this tradition encourages personal responsibility and freedom of thought and practice. Learn more at