எது கதை? எது திரைக்கதை? Pisasu உருவானது எப்படி? | Talk to Master With Director Mysskin - Part 2 Link: https://youtu.be/Y0NsxxAk2v0 எல்லா படங்களையும் பார்க்காதீர்கள்! Talk to Master With Director Mysskin - Part 3 Link: https://youtu.be/Z64mEZeqBKs The stage is set! We bring you the informative interaction between director Mysskin and Students. As we all knew, Mysskin is a Tamil film director who is well known for his unique way of filmmaking with unconventional shots, deep characterization, unarmed fights, and more. His movies have mesmerized people of all ages, especially youngsters. Today, here is the first episode of Talk to Master with Mysskin in which he talks to students about the way and how movies should be watched. LIKE | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE🔔 @WowTamizhaa 🌐Follow us : ➤ Website - https://www.wowtam.com ➤ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wowtamofficial ➤ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wowtamofficial ➤ Twitter - https://twitter.com/WowTamOfficial For More Videos : **Wow Celebrities Interviews | Tamil Cinema | Kollywood - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLztTwdCb2jVPzdzpAJdnz3b0-FBrvX6xk **WOW Politics | Political Leaders Interview - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLztTwdCb2jVNA6DSWbNkFqckiUaXSstLL **Wow Music | Tamil Singers Interviews | Tamil Music Directors | Wow Tamizhaa - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLztTwdCb2jVMGrJmn9KdKMrUt8W7D4i8E **Wow Memories | Tamil Cinema Old Actors Interview | Kollywood - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLztTwdCb2jVMavxeYxR6PNt0g259lUFSz **WOW Press Meet | Audio Launch | Tamil Cinema Updates - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLztTwdCb2jVM0yELuWdL0TZTovPStxefV #mysskin #mysskininterview #mysskinsongs #mysskinsinging #mysskinspeech #mysskinmovies #mysskinsingingsongs #mysskinwhatsappstatus #mysskinvijayantony #mysskinlatestspeech #mysskinilayarajasongs #mysskininterviewlatest #mysskinaboutvijaysethupathi #mysskinsingingilayarajasong #mysskinvishal #mysskinand #mysskinandrea #mysskinandvishal #mysskinandraminterview #mysskinandreadeletedscene #mysskinandbala #mysskinandreamovie #mysskinandrammovie #mysskinandvishalfight #mysskinandvijaysethupathimovie #mysskinandram #mysskinandvijay #mysskinandnithyamenon