Tampa City Council - 01/23/25
00:00:00 Start of Meeting
00:21:45 Item 1: CM24-8159 - Commendation For Harry Hedges
00:32:01 Item 2: CM24-8409 - Holocaust Remembrance Day Presentation
00:44:37 Item 3: CM24-3582 - Disability Internship Program Update
00:52:57 Public Comments
01:30:20 Committee Reports
01:41:30 Item 48: SU1-24-98-C - 4465 W. Gandy Blvd.
01:53:13 Item 49: VAC-23-30 - North Of Amelia Avenue
02:02:12 Item 50: REZ-25-12 - 702 W. Columbus Drive
02:32:58 Item 51: REZ-24-52 - 205-209 E. Columbus Drive
02:51:38 Item 52: VAC-24-16 - Mulberry Drive