Sairam, In this episode, Shri Gurudeva addresses the problem where a boy or a girl gives various kinds of problems to opposite sex just to have fun or blackmail for money. He narrates a real life incident to showcase problems from such enemies who torture for having fun or blackmail/kidnap to gain money. In Rudrayamala Tantrasara, in Uttarakanda, to destroy gupta shatru , a remedy is prescribed. Option 1: If you know the enemy, take his used cloth. If you don't know the enemy, take any cloth and write his name on the cloth. Option 2: Take the sand on which the enemy has walked. Tie the sand inside the cloth and Keep it. Get the sand from the junction of 4 roads. If don't know enemy, cloth with enemy name should be good. Facing south, do archana with the mantra with the junction sand on the cloth. Time: Night Day : Amavasya, especially on Saturday. OM NAMO BHAGAVATI RUDRA SHAKTI CHANDI CHAMUNDI KALA KARALINI RAKSHASA SAMHAARINI RUDRA ROOPINI VAIRI (NAME) SAMHAARINI HREEM HREEM LEEM LEEM KEEM KEEM KLEEM NAM NAM VAIRI PHAT SWAAHA Times: 108 Take all items to a deserted place and bury it inside the ground. Nobody should see it or know about it. Take care that no one takes these items out of the buried place. Enemy will become dull and blank. His/her stools will get blocked. Note: This should be performed only with dharma on a very valid enemy. If done on an innocent, it'll backfire. Thanks.. Sairam