🇮🇸🎤🥁🏸 tappi tíkarrass (cork the bitch’s arse !) - 1981 - 1983 - dúkkulísur + hrollur (rokk í reykjavík) [edited/remastered] (QHD) [2K] - 05:24 - 3:1 + 4.9 aspect ratio. surrounded 5.1 avanced FLAC björklosssless audio aspect ratio. enhanced (QHD) quad high definition 2K 1440i aspect ratio. - info: 'tappi tíkarrass' which translates as "cork the bitch’s arse" was an icelandic punk band which added elements of funk, rock and jazz to their music, marking a difference from other traditional bands at that time. the band is also considered the first serious music project of now renowned singer björk guðmundsdóttir, 'i was in a muso band at 13, playing seven-nine rythems , being complicated and difficult . then i got into punk . i formed this band called "spit & snot". i was the the drummer , with no eyebrows and had orange hair . then i was in "tappi tíkarrass", which translates as "cork the bitch’s arse" ! everyone whowas in these bands got over the problem of not knowing how to play . me and my friends did everything ourselves ; the posters , the driving , the singing . we even started out own label . we were like ’fuck the system’. - björk . #bjork #björk #bjorkgudmundsdottir #björkguðmundsdóttir #tappitíkarrass #corkthebitchsass #dúkkulísur #hrollur #icelandic #nordic #rokkíreykjavík #1981 #1983 - short bio: björk guðmundsdóttir, childhood nickname 'bapsi' as a child. she attended the barnamúsikskóli, in reykjavík, iceland, from the age of five. her recording career began in 1977 at the age of 11 while studying piano and flute at music school. before björk, was famous she worked odd jobs at an antiques shop, a bookstore, a vinyl record store, a coca-cola bottling plant, where her job was to check for cleanliness, and she worked on a farm around christmas time in 1984 plus a fish factory during the easter break in 1984. and in her early punk band 'spit & snot' she was a drummer, and she had no eyebrows and had orange hair. - http://gudmundsdottirbjork.blogspot.com/ record label: gramm. members: eythor arnalds, jakob smári magnusson, björk guðmundsdóttir, wikipedia information: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tappi_T%C3%ADkarrass - "sharper, brighter, punchier, guðmundsdóttir," - [FLAC] [superiour björklosssless sound] download link: - https://gudmundsdottirbjork.blogspot.com/ - please buy her albums + support this superb and unique icelandic/nordic artist @ http://www.bjork.com/ https://bjorktour.com/ https://www.facebook.com/bjork https://www.youtube.com/user/bjorkdotcom https://twitter.com/bjork https://soundcloud.com/bjork https://www.instagram.com/bjork/ http://www.indian.co.uk/ "support the artists by buying their records." - tappi tíkarrass - sm / hf - plötubúð, (bad taste record store) bad taste records. björk. http://smekkleysa.net/ - https://www.facebook.com/smekkleysasm/ - https://www.instagram.com/smekkleysa_sm/ - © 1983 ℗ all rights ® reserved http://smekkleysa.net/ - additional edited/remastered FLAC björklosssless audio/video/thumbnail http://gudmundsdottirbjork.blogspot.com/