Tool-assisted superplay (TAS) of CarnEvil Arcade (Very Hard) in 20:54 (4,761,970)
-Game Difficulty = Very Hard
-Monster Strength = Very Hard
From pressing Start at 0:39 until the last bullet kills the last boss at 21:33 = 20:54
-The save/load state in Mame with a .CHD game has some problems, but not enough so that I cannot do a TAS of this game.
-The game let you fire at 20bps, which is faster than the Machine gun.
-As far as I know, the flamethrower doesn't do anything more than regular shots except set enemies on fire. It takes the same number of shots from the flamethrower as with normal bullets.
-But with 'Acid Bath', you shoot enemies with a single shot.
-In the corridor with the arms, there is a scratch animation but no loss of energy (3:02). I shot the arms as far as possible so as not to lose energy this time (like in the WIP).
-I find it funny that the TAS can take a coffee break in the middle of this very fast paced game. (4:32)
-I couldn't find a way not to lose energy on the bumper car section (8:50). I redid this part about 4 times and always lost about half of my energy.
-I also lost some energy in the monkey-spider house (12:27), I don't know what hit me.
-On the third section many enemies take 6 hits, they took 5 on the second section. It's probably the "Monster Strength" setting that does this. With normal settings, you don't need to fire as many shots.
-Note that the game didn't think it would be possible to shoot the enemy at 12:15 and even if no one jumps on the seesaw we still jump in the air.
-Also, those enemies didn't fall to the ground when I shot them (17:34).
-When 'Evil Marie' attacks by swinging the axe, you have to shoot the hand to stop her movement (I am not sure of that). But in a TAS when shooting at 20bps it doesn't work. I had to stop firing for a few frames for my shot to the hands be effective.
-With Krampus, if I shoot him at 20 bps only on his stomach, he is able to hit me twice. To avoid this, I shot him in the leg. This triggers an animation of him losing his balance, that way he loses enough time for me to finish him.
-As for Junior, shooting him at 20 bps he is not able to move. I could have shot him all night but after exhausting his energy, shooting him doesn't give any points, so there's no point shooting him for nothing. Unlike the first 2 bosses, he does not die when his energy reaches 0. The game must show you his video, Junior only dies at the end. In the meantime, I had to shoot him a few times to avoid being hit by him.
-For the last boss (TokkenTakker), like Junior, the game has some animations to do. You can't finish him until he's on the ship. Meanwhile, at least when you shoot him, you get points. I could have shot him more times but I got bored :)
-Small technical note: For a .inp (or a TAS) to replay without desynchronizing, you must delete the .dif file in \diff\carnevil.dif . When you complete a game, this file is updated and will affect the rng for the next run. It took me a little while to realize this. This is the first TAS I've had to do this.
-It took me about 20 hours of work to do this TAS.
What is a TAS?
For a good introduction to TASing:
For more information visit
00:00 Start-Settings
00:41 1-Haunted House
05:44 2-Rickety Town
10:27 3-Freak Show
15:43 4-Big Top
21:33 Ending
22:37 Score
23:06 Credits
28:36 Attract
#carnevil #midwaygames
#Arcade #ArcadeGame #CoinOp #Mame #Gaming #RetroGaming #TAS #ArcadeTAS #ToolAssisted #ToolAssistedSuperplay