Test Driven Development is one of the most profound ways to improve the quality of your code.
This is not just in the simplistic sense of “we tested it works” but also the way that testing very strongly encourages us, if not forces us, to create testable code, and the hallmarks of testable code are the same as the hallmarks of high-quality code. So what is TDD and how is it so helpful?
In this episode, Dave Farley, author of “Continuous Delivery” and “Modern Software Engineering” describes how TDD forces us to make better design choices. How to apply a BDD version of TDD, focusing on externally visible behaviour, strengthens the approach to ensure your tests are more clearly separate from the code, but still guide its design, so not TDD vs BDD, but BDD reinforcing TDD.
Learn to write great tests, and how to use those tests to improve the design of your software: with step-by-step guidance and demos by Dave Farley, and practical exercises for you to learn TDD and BDD.
ENROL HERE 👉 bit.ly/3JB5smY
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📖 Dave’s NEW BOOK "Modern Software Engineering" is now available here ➡️ https://amzn.to/3DwdwT3
In this book, Dave brings together his ideas and proven techniques to describe a durable, coherent and foundational approach to effective software development, for programmers, managers and technical leads, at all levels of experience.
📖 "Continuous Delivery Pipelines" by Dave Farley
paperback ➡️ https://amzn.to/3gIULlA
ebook version ➡️ https://leanpub.com/cd-pipelines
📖 The original, award-winning "Continuous Delivery" book by Dave Farley and Jez Humble ➡️ https://amzn.to/2WxRYmx
Growing Object Oriented Software Guided by Tests, By Nat Price & Steve Freeman ➡️ https://amzn.to/2Lt3jho
Test Driven Development: By Example (The Addison-Wesley Signature Series), Kent Beck ➡️ https://amzn.to/2Lt3jho
NOTE: If you click on one of the Amazon Affiliate links and buy the book, Continuous Delivery Ltd. will get a small fee for the recommendation with NO increase in cost to you.
Equal Experts is a product software development consultancy with a network of over 1,000 experienced technology consultants globally. They increase the pace of innovation by using modern software engineering practices that embrace Continuous Delivery, Security, and Operability from the outset ➡️ https://bit.ly/3ASy8n0
Octopus are the makers of Octopus Deploy the single place for your team to manage releases, automate deployments, and automate the runbooks that keep your software operating. ➡️ https://octopus.com/
SpecFlow Behavior Driven Development for .NET SpecFlow helps teams bind automation to feature files and share the resulting examples as Living Documentation across the team and stakeholders. ➡️ https://go.specflow.org/dave_farley