If you're looking to get some GE or a Premium, please use a creators link to support then and get a free decal. Here's mine: https://store.gaijin.net/catalog.php?category=WarThunder&partner=Oddbawz&partner_val=2bpa5qx4
The Fox in War Thunder is a British Light Tank with a 30mm auto cannon that shoots APDS. Introduced at 7.0 and later moved to 7.7 this little light tank is pretty powerful on the right map.
The Fox lends its self well to really speedy flanks with a 60mph top speed that isn't difficult to do! Most times you'll catch the enemy unaware and at that point your 30mm cannon is devastating for side shots.
Due to the autocannon taking usually multiple shots to take out an opponent, this give you a considerable amount of spawn points which does tend to lead to a lot of nukes.
It's a really fun tank in the right situation, some say... it's crafty! :)
Fantastic tank! :)
-----SUPPORT ME-----
Buy My Decal: https://store.gaijin.net/catalog.php?category=WarThunder&partner=Oddbawz&partner_val=2bpa5qx4
Merch: https://oddbawz-shop.fourthwall.com/en-gbp/
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/OddBawZ
Business Email: oddbaw01@gmail.com
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Car Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@BamikazeGarage