Teaching Yourself How to Climb Trees, Everything You Have to Study!
This video is all about the tree climbing fundamentals, everything you need to know about climbing trees NO SCHOOLING NEEDED. Everything in this video can 100% be found on Youtube and referanced in books.
0:00 Intro
0:56 Tree Inspection
1:20 Gear & Gear Inspection
4:49 Basic Knots
6:58 Climbing Systems MRS/SRS
8:14 Climbing Hitches / Prussik Cords
8:36 Throwing into the tree
9:10 Limwalking / Swinging
10:06 Tree Climbing Resources
1.Tree Inspection- https://youtu.be/ZAmDGoxPkAo
2. Gear and Gear Inspection- https://youtu.be/oiJcW0vg1hI
3. Basic Knots- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvvxADyrHst56onnSjqnBFnHRIz_Iv0ZY
4. Tree Climbing Systems (MRS) - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvvxADyrHst5jwTjo-jeU_YtDwd2qIuQI
5. Climbing Hitches- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvvxADyrHst40MGigYjJTFQdP-WrRsNHb
6. Throwing Into The Tree- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvvxADyrHst5jXCclqqElxWueUK6pZlix
7. Limbwalking/Swinging- https://youtu.be/HvfTJOLpmD4
[Youtube Channels]
Educated Climber- https://www.youtube.com/c/EducatedClimber
Climbing Arborist- https://www.youtube.com/c/ClimbingArborist
Arborist Blair Glenn- https://www.youtube.com/c/arboristBlairGlenn
The Tree Climbers Companion- https://tinyurl.com/258dk4jz
Arborists' Knots for Climbing & Rigging- https://tinyurl.com/2ty7fbtv
[In Person Training]
Arbor Master- https://www.arbormaster.com/
Academy Trained- https://www.academy-trained.com/