Креативний гід-екскурсовод і разом з тим фаховий історик. Людина, яка може надати складну інформацію просто, легко і цікаво. Останнє відео Ервіна — уривок екскурсії зібрало більше 2 230 000 переглядів!
Для чого гіду-екскурсоводу варто застосовувати більше жартів під час комунікації з людьми? Які наслідки цього для учасників екскурсії? Відповіді Ви отримаєте під час виступу. German by birth but Ukrainian in spirit.
When Erwin was 5 he lead his first excursionin Chernihiv! At 17 Erwin received a tour guide diploma. Thanks to his special manner of commucation he is one of the most demanded guides in Chernihiv region.
Subject: Why Is It Important To Joke During Excursion?
Short content: We’ll talk about how to give an excursion for it to be remembered longer. Any information is learnt more easily via simple but strong emotional state expressions, and these are laugh and tears. But while triggering sadness is undesirable, giving opportunity to laugh makes people involved.
So why does tour guide need to use more jokes when communicating? What are the consequences of that for an excursion participants? You’ll get the answers during Erwin’s speech. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx