Teen Titans GO! to the Movies - The End of Robin: Slade (Will Arnett) steals the crystal, reveals his master plan, and leaves Robin (Scott Menville) to die in his own base.
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Watch the best Teen Titans GO! to the Movies scenes & clips:
It seems that all the major superheroes out there are starring in their own movies -- all but the Teen Titans. Robin is bound and determined to remedy that situation by becoming a star instead of a sidekick. With a few madcap ideas and a song in their hearts, the Teen Titans head to Hollywood to fulfill their dreams. Things soon go awry, however, when a supervillain plans to take over the planet -- putting the very fate of the young heroes on the line.
TM & © Warner Bros. (2018)
Cast: Scott Menville, Will Arnett
Director: Aaron Horvath, Peter Rida Michail
Screewriter: Aaron Horvath, Michael Jelenic
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