Die Internationale Motorradkonferenz des Institut für Zweiradsicherheit (ifz)
03/04 Oktober 2022 in Köln.
Teil 3 von 3
00:00 Opening and Welcome; André Lang, Institut für Zweiradsicherheit (ifz), Germany
05:27 FIM-Awards for young researchers; Dimitri Margaritis, FIM Europe Chairman of the Public Affairs Committee
11:17 Session 1 Chair: Ray Ochs; Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF), USA
12:18 Aspects of Accident Avoidance for overtaking motorcycles in maneuvers with left turning cars; Dietmar Otte, BIOMED-TEC Hannover, Institute for forensic expertises, Germany
40:21 Improvement of the frontal thorax airbag test procedure for assessing the protection of motorcyclists in a more realistic impact scenario; Raúl Aranda-Marco, University of Munich (LMU), Germany
01:01:16 Smart wearable airbags: Benefits for users and remaining challenges after 60000 kilometres and 3000 accidents; Pierre-François Tissot, In & Motion SAS, France; Oscar Cherta Ballester, In & Motion SAS, France
01:34:10 Life-saving effects of road markings in curves; Paul Mangen, Ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics, Luxemburg; Martin Winkelbauer, KFV, Austria
01:55:44 Coffee Break
02:15:15 Session 2 Chair: Prof. Dietmar Otte; Hannover Medical School (MHH), Germany
02:15:26 Safety Potential of Data Glasses for Motorcyclists; Nora Merkel, Würzburger Institut für Verkehrswissenschaften (WIVW GmbH), Germany
02:40:42 Mitigating Motorcycle Accidents at Yield Junctions Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning; Simon McCool, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
03:06:12 Motorcyclists‘ Real Use of Vehicle Dynamics; Thierry Serre, Universite Gustave Eiffel, France
03:31:04 Development of a motorcyclist model for trajectory prediction; Florian Scherer, Institute of Automotive Engineering (FZD), TU Darmstadt, Germany
03:55:02 Motorcycle riding in groups - known accident patterns?; Matthias Kühn, Unfallforschung der Versicherer (UDV), Berlin, Germany
04:21:27 Lunch Break
05:11:52 Round Table Discussion
Vision 2030+ The motorcycle industry’s vision towards
sustainable mobility in Europe
- Antonio Perlot
General overview and ACEM video
- Keynote speech
- Michele Colaninno (online)
Director of Piaggio & C. S.p.A. and Chief of global strategy and product,
ACEM President
- Vision pillars – selected industry initiatives
- Eric de Seynes (online)
President & CEO Yamaha Motor Europe, ACEM Vice-President
- Helfried Sorger
Managing Director CTO Powertrain KTM Forschungs & Entwicklungs GmbH
- Riccardo Tosi (online)
Executive Vice President 2W Product Development and Product Marketing,
Piaggio & C. S.p.A.
Institutional perspective
- Maurizio Maggiore / Guido Sacchetto (online)
DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
Discussion with all panelists
Q&A session with the audience
Closing remarks
- Antonio Perlot