The story of Yoshimitsu and the Manji Clan before and during the first King of Iron Fist Tournament. Enter the Tekken and discover the rise of the most iconic fighters.
0:00 Intro
0:11 Yoshimitsu's Early Life & Training
3:28 The Cursed Blade
6:03 Kunimitsu's Early Life & Training
9:40 Yoshimitsu Vs Kunimitsu
13:28 King of Iron Fist Tournament
17:43 Yoshimitsu Vs Ganryu
19:23 Manji Clan Infiltration
21:18 Yoshimitsu Vs Kazuya
23:13 After the Tournament
24:40 Outro
Thanks to the player whose gameplay was used In this video, Check them out here!
Shout out to Robert Belgrade, original voice and narrator for Tekken 5 and Tekken 5 Dark Ressurection. Check him out here:
Special thanks to the artists whose music brought this video to life. Support their incredible work via the links below:
Namco Sounds Tekken 4 - Fetus
Tekken 2 - The Head Shaker (Yoshimitsu's Theme)
Kunimitsu's Theme · Gwinn
Natsu -Tekken Tag/3 NoBody
Avery Alexander- Shimada Clan -
The Third Leader of the Manji Clan -Tekken7 Mix- (Tekken 3 x Fahad Lami Remix)
tekken 7 - poolside 1st remix (slowed + reverb)
Chief Takinawa - Yoshimitsu PXZ2 Concept (TKN3 Theme RMX)
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This video is a fan-created project inspired by the Tekken series, which is owned by Bandai Namco Entertainment. All original properties belong to their respective owners.
Thank you for joining me in exploring the lore of Yoshimitsu. Stay tuned for more journeys into the Tekken universe!