Telepathy to Make Your Crush Go Crazy Over You, Works Even When Away + Subliminal Affirmations
Scientists have known for decades that the conscious brain is highly "sales-resistant." But when subliminal messages are flashed quickly enough to avoid conscious recognition, they go directly to the subconscious, which has no inherent sales resistence. This is what gives subliminal affirmation messages their amazing power to retool the brain. And remember: the subconscious is the real driver behind our personality, our desires, our fears, our self-image, and everything we dream about.
How It Works?
Subliminal messages are affirmations that bypass your skeptical awareness and go straight to your more receptive subconscious mind, which produces thrilling improvements to your mind, your attitude, your self-image, your habits-whatever you've chosen to heal or help.
Subliminal Messages : An audio or visual messages passes or transmitted by subconscious/unconscious mind
Instruction: it is best to listen with headphones on moderate to weak volume – the sound should be easily heard, but not loud.
The music/audio is produced by the Relaxing Music Heaven team, and we are the owners, as well as the exclusive rights.
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#telepathy #crush #subliminal