Caui habla de su experiencia teniendo autismo - como percibe el mundo que la rodea de forma diferente de las personas que no tienen autismo.
Una talk inspiradora que nos muestra como es el verdadero mundo del autismo, desmistificando prejuicios y destacando el valor humano que tienen las personas como Caui con TEA (trastorno del espectro autista).
Caui is 20 years old and has a dream: to become an actress. Her favorite color is pink and she loves unicorns. She believes that life is to be lived with meaning, following what the heart dictates, prioritizing love and dreaming big.
True to herself, she has overcome the challenges of autism, against all odds. Today Caui teaches us to live (in capital letters). Her attitude and her way of transmitting her passions, is charged with energy and is truly inspiring.
Caui is the reason for the existence of "Vencer Autismo", a Portuguese NGO whose mission is for autism to be comprehended and accepted by everyone.
For people on the autism spectrum it is of most importance to feel supported by those around them. Vencer Autismo works providing free lectures, workshops and training, as well as undertaking innovative projects to support people with autism, their caregivers and professionals to achieve their true potential.
Caui is 20 years old and has a dream: to become an actress. Her favorite color is pink and she loves unicorns. She believes that life is to be lived with meaning, following what the heart dictates, prioritizing love and dreaming big.
True to herself, she has overcome the challenges of autism, breaking all the odds. Today Caui teaches us to live with capital letters. Her attitude and her way of transmitting her passions, is charged with energy and is truly inspiring.
Caui is the reason for the existence of "Vencer Autismo", a Portuguese association whose mission is to make autism better accepted and understood by all.
For her and the rest of the people with autism it is very important to feel supported and to reach those tools that provide them with knowledge. The association Vencer el Autismo works tirelessly giving lectures, workshops and trainings, as well as undertaking innovative projects to accompany people with autism towards a positive change. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at