The following tennis slice serve drills will help you develop more slice / sidespin, hit at a better angle and get more power on your slice serves.
If you're struggling with your slice serve that usually means that you can hit with some slice but the ball doesn't really curve out wide. And even though the ball has a side spin, it lacks power so it doesn’t really trouble your opponent.
The end result is that this slow slice serve just sits in the middle of the service box and is very easy to attack.
So in today’s video I’ll show you how to hit slice serves with more slice, at a better angle and with more power.
Please keep in mind that I will not be teaching you slice serve technique because that requires gradual progressions of technical drills, this video focuses only on improving your slice serve if you can already hit it.
If can’t hit it yet and you want to learn a slice or a topspin serve with step-by-step progressions, how to troubleshoot common problems and how to develop more advanced serves, then check out my Second Serve Mastery course:
1. Drill #1 - Warm up your feel for the slice - this is also a test if you’re ready for these drills. If you are framing the ball a lot doing this drill, it means you need to work on it often so that your fine hand eye coordination skills improve.
- slice on the bounce
- slice with no bounce
- slice by alternating FH & BH
2. Drill #2 - More slice and better angle - finding good ratio between slice and power. Progress from serving very close to the net from the doubles alley and go all the way to the baseline and eventually more towards the center of the court if you play singles a lot.
3. Drill #3 - More power - If you lack power on your tennis slice serve then you're likely "carving around" so first do this little drill to gradually reprogramme the movement: roll the ball sideways between the hand and the strings and then push the ball away and pronate outwards.
- serve very far, do not aim into the court, engage your whole body, watch the ball really well, then maintain that speed and work your way down. The tendency is to start using your arm only because you want too much control and that will disengage your body and you’ll lose power. Always use legs, hips and the whole body but you don’t have to engage at maximum power. You do everything but slower rather than shortening the movements.
For those of you would also like to see a super slow motion video of a slice serve and what exactly happens at contact with pronation then head over to this video where I recorded the slice serve at 240 frames per second and also compared it to the flat serve.
0:00 What Slice Serve Drills Improve
0:52 Drill #1 - Feel For The Slice Serve
3:32 Drill #2 - More Slice & Better Angle
9:09 Drill #3 - More Power On Slice Serves
15:37 Slice Serve Analysis Next