This week I decided to test 4 different American white oak toasts and chars by quickly "ageing" some UJSSM whiskey.
I wanted to be able to taste the differing flavours fast so I decided to use the nuclear ageing method.
- Yes, I used those "bad" lids. I know its a problem but I needed to use 4 "identical" vessels to keep variables down. I know its not on, but am willing to do it in a test scenario.
- I understand that some people think of this method as unsafe. I understand your concerns, but personally, think the risks can be minimised to an acceptable level.
- If you DO try this method MAKE SURE you are careful, take precautions and DO MORE RESEARCH!
- Yup this is not "really ageing". That's the topic for a whole other talk. That's not what this video is about. It's about being able to experience the different flavours that wood imparts quickly so I can use that knowledge now.
- Yes the wood will likely impart different flavours over a different time period.
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