I’ve probably brewed over a thousand times with Hario V60 brewing device. Recently I began exploring the Tetsu Kasuya 4:6 technique, and you know what? It has become my favorite Hario V60 brewing technique!
In this video, I will go over how you use the technique, the extraction science behind it, the versatility the brewing steps provide and why I will be using it as my daily Hario V60 brewing technique moving forwards.
--- Links ---
Original Tetsu Kasuya 4:6 video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmCW8xSWGZY&ab_channel=HARIOOfficialChannel
Brew Variable Charts - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/abueu3wmna599tdqx31f1/Hario-V60-Brewing-Tool.jpg?rlkey=ly3fns7bpnwzt80qahumdy7kb&dl=0
--- Timestamps ---
0:00 Intro
0:38 Brewing Steps
3:16 Pros of Technique
9:20 Cons of Technique
10:20 Outro
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