Samadhi Bhajan1 of Guruswamy Thakur Keshab ....Song is ''Biswa Janatara Dukhahari Boli''....Thakur Leaves Sarir in Dec15....He never dies,never leaves....He,the Supreme GOD n our Beloved lives in our heart forever....Divine nectar of Birah Bhakti raining in the realm of DHYAN by GURUMANTRA when blessed by PurnGuru Thakur Keshab....Surrendering mind n soul at His supreme feet,one feels this deep core bhakti inside in form of tears of love n Birah for Guru....heartfelt devotion for Charama Pada Thakur Keshab....His Ashram Swarnakshetra,Mahanga of Cuttack,Odisha....His divine love call us inside....Meditate the very raining of His divine Grace....Other Parts of Thakur Keshab Bhajan will release soon one after the other...For high quality video,audio n copyrights,mail or message us....