Original Theme: Phantasm Machine ~ Phantom Factory
Arranger: Kefy
Circle: fractaleline
Album: プリズムスカイライン
Image by sugilight: http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/792855/4girls-alternate_costume-apron-bag-bat_wings-blue_
I have to say that I love what sugi's done here. I don't know if it's real papercraft or just clever illustration but it looks amazing.
This track happens to be another one that completely subverts what ZUN's original was going for, but it's still really really recognizable. The urgency in the original (haha, I could imagine it being played during some escape section in Donkey Kong Country 3) is replaced by this smooth, relaxed atmosphere. Something about the little motif Kefy's added between the original theme's measures to offset the repetition gives me a strong taste of nostalgia. It picks up right at the beginning and only while writing this am I realizing how much it actually guides the track.
Despite what the guy says, I don't think it's quite disco though is it?