Of all of history's great military commanders, who was number one? We did a deep dive into the achievements of generals from antiquity through the 20th century, and found these to be the 15 best of all time.
#GenghisKhan #Napoleon #Military
15. Simón Bolívar | 0:00
14. King Leonidas of Sparta | 1:15
13: Tamerlane | 2:34
12. Themistocles | 3:42
11. Charlemagne | 4:32
10. Frederick the Great | 5:32
9. Hernán Cortés | 6:34
8. Vo Nguyen Giap | 7:46
7. Saladin | 8:55
6. Hannibal Barca | 10:01
5. Dwight D. Eisenhower | 11:06
4. Napoleon | 12:03
3. Genghis Khan | 13:17
2. Julius Caesar | 14:17
1. Alexander the Great | 15:15
Voiceover by: Tim Bensch
Read Full Article: https://www.grunge.com/1469637/best-military-commanders-human-history-ranked/