We have a roof! It's been a long time waiting and we're so grateful to finally have a dry portion of our house build to work on. In addition to the roof, many walls are going up and the bathroom is beginning to take shape. Big progress!
Follow along for all the updates, successes and failures to come in alternative home building. In case you missed our first videos, we're building a wattle and daub home in the jungle for a goal of $3000. All us, all by hand.
Check out our $3000 House Build playlist here for all the updates! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRBCtx_9l0lEM2fgRQ_crosBhhEEsUsPf
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We are a family transforming a mostly-untouched 30 acres of jungle mountain into a working, self-sustainable, off-grid farm. There are a lot of trials, errors, successes, and lessons to be learned along the way. We hope to share it all with you, to tell our story, to inspire, and to hopefully help answer the questions you didn’t know to ask.
Find Us Here
Substack: https://tinyhandsbigdreams.substack.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinyhandsbigdreams/
Email: tinyhandsbigdreams@gmail.com