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Attachment theory is grounded in how we relate to others based on our childhood relationship with our parents. In this interview, MedCircle host Kyle Kittleson and MedCircle psychologist Dr. Judy Ho discuss the 4 childhood attachment styles that impact your relationships today.
In this video, they discuss:
- The basis of attachment theory and how it impacts our relationships and emotions
- Anxious avoidant attachment style
- Dismissive avoidant attachment style
- Anxious preoccupied attachment style
- Secure attachment style
- Secure vs. insecure attachment
And more. This insight can help you deal with relationship anxiety and help you understand the root of mental health struggles like anxiety, depression, and more.
Dr. Judy Ho is a triple board certified neuropsychologist and co-host of The Doctors. She is an expert in the "science of people," and brings that expertise to all of her MedCircle series.
Ep 2: Secure Attachment: How to Spot the Causes, Behaviors, & Daily Impacts
Ep 3: Anxious Preoccupied Attachment: How to Spot the Causes, Behaviors, & Daily Impacts
Ep 4: Dismissive Avoidant Attachment: How to Spot the Causes, Behaviors, & Daily Impacts
Ep 5: Fearful Avoidant Attachment: How to Spot the Causes, Behaviors, & Daily Impacts
Ep 6: The Attachment Style Assessment [Kyle & Dr. Judy Share Their Results]