The vast majority of 15KHz TV’s outside of Europe and Japan did not feature Scart or JP21 for RGB, leaving expensive Professional Video Monitors as the most accessible means of displaying analogue RGB on a standard definition CRT. With the CRT modding community’s collaborative efforts, any old fashioned composite TV with a compatible jungle chip can be upgraded to accept RGB for retro gaming. For TV’s without a model-specific guide, following the relatively universal principles can unlock RGB on an otherwise unassuming set; whether it’s for a Scart TV with missing components, or a set that needs the RGB circuit built from the ground up. This video is aimed to familiarise the CRT hobbyist with the core signals of RGB modding; Red, Green, Blue, Sync, and Fast Blanking, so you can get the cleanest scanlines you’ve ever see on Nonna's TV! If you are on a budget and have the skills, avoid spending hundreds (or thousands) on a PVM; mod a consumer TV instead... YOU CAN DO IT!
Thanks to @Flavorwave_Turbo who bought one of the Aliexpress RGB boards and commented that it uses a National Semi LM1203N RGB Amp. Here’s the datasheet:
Hopefully this helps anyone that’s looking into a neck-mod. See the pinned comment thread for more info. Thanks again Flavorwave_Turbo!
CRT’s can be dangerous and if not, lethal. You should not attempt to open, modify or fix any CRT without taking all safety precautions. Proceed at your own risk.
@djcalle1975 - Thank you for your collaboration on the Mux mod
DJCalle’s channel:
OSD Mux RGB Calculator by MarkOZLAD and Syntax
CRT Database - Mux writeup, mod guides, and much, much more from Andy King and other collaborators
Checkout Andy’s Mux Mod writeup
Immerhax Blog
3D Printed Scart Mount
Sunthar’s Website - LOADS of information and mux boards for purchase to tidy up the scart port
@arcadelaboratory - Please subscribe to Arcade Laboratory; a criminally underrated channel with tons of Arcade-centric videos
@klurman awesome work on unlocking RGB with the i2c hack. Next level RGB modding which deserves a video on its own
Frankencade RGB Amplifier
Aliexpress RGB Jungle Mod Board. If you purchase one, please comment your experience
@ArtemioUrbina Artemio’s 240p test suite - Buy this man a coffee (or beer)
To my Cugino Vito, thank you for this amazingly generous gift back in 2001. More than 20 years later, the memory still lives in a special place.
#crt #240p #retrogaming
00:00 Intro
02:40 The Basics
05:20 Step 1: The Jungle Chip
07:24 Step 2: The Datasheet
08:11 Step 3: The Circuit
09:15 Step 4: The Chassis
11:01 Step 5: The Port
12:36 Step 6: The Test
14:19 Step 7: The Optimisation
15:20 Variations
17:22 Mux
25:07 Neck mods
26:59 Summary feat. CRT Jesus