Today we're talking about the Akai GX-225D Reel to Reel tape recorder. What's special about the GX Line of open reel tape recorders? And what makes Akai able to claim they can survive the zombie apocalypse?
I try to do a basic how-to for setting up and playing tapes on this and most reel to reel(open tape) players.
This reel to reel tape machine was bought from Adam's Estate Sales in the Coachella Valley near Palm Springs.
All items shown on Audio Thrift are from estate sales, garage sales or thrift stores.
Pioneer 8 Track Video-
Also, go read Digging Up Mother by Doug Stanhope. Or listen on Audible.
(Disclaimer: Hate speech and hostility of any kind toward myself or other commentors will be removed without hesitation. Same goes for ANYTHING political. This isn't the place for that.)