⚡⚡⚡ The team and I at Access Analytic develop Power BI and Excel solutions for clients in Australia and deliver training around the World. https://accessanalytic.com.au/
00:00 Intro
00:30 the Files and playing along
01:44 importing the data and discuss the Calendar and Time Tables
05:25 The New Slicer
07:58 The New Card
12:12 The DAX formula for the up down arrow
12:49 Conditional formatting on the up down arrow
14:20 The Line Chart features
The team and I at Access Analytic develop Power BI and Excel solutions for clients in Australia and deliver training around the World. https://accessanalytic.com.au/
🔗 Online Version to play with: https://url.pbi.guide/EnergyReport
🔗Download a starting point file and the data: https://aasolutions.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/PubliclyAvailableContent/EjQ-FCZI75tAkO4j0raxXbwB7CJ0pRyKha0Q6-TQ4-V0gg?e=dSAcS0
🔗Access Analytic Template files: https://accessanalytic.com.au/free-excel-stuff/free-excel-templates/
🔗UNICHAR Codes: https://www.vertex42.com/ExcelTips/unicode-symbols.html
🔗The Conditional Formatting Video: https://youtu.be/WJ0PPKWHJPo?si=QjSk2cYzGb35VVXr
The DAX for the indicator
!!Note I can't use angled brackets here so I've used emoji instead
Usage PY Variance Indicator =
//For use in Card Visual Details section
VAR _Variance = [Usage v Prior Year]
VAR _Result =
_Variance◀️0, UNICHAR(129055),
_Variance=0, UNICHAR(129112),
_Variance▶️0, UNICHAR(129053)
Did you know I've written a book "Power BI for the Excel Analyst"?
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