Squirrel, if you ever resuscitate and find yourself in a barrel back at camp, please know that when we rolled the dice, we didn't think we were going to obliterate you. We didn't think you'd turn into a scud missile, a sub-launched torpedo blasting straight into a rock. We thought, sincerely, it was only going to be a little love tap. A little toe punt.
And if you don't wake up, that's fine too. You bit Mister Thanorblestein, and the boot was justice. Retribution. Fury. A rage felt by too few. Well not any more. From now on that rage will manifest itself as a push. A push from we, to thee. I hope you like the floor. Because that's where you're gonna be when we're done shoving you to the ground. I'm addressing this at enemies, not squirrel. Squirrel is cool. Also yeah, sorry.
A pretty authentic Baldur's Gate 3 multiplayer experience.
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Intro 0:00
Getting our lay of the land 1:50
The land is layed 3:55
Civil war 9:40
Goblinos 15:20
Mission failed successfully 20:41
Underdark 23:50
Not Underdark 24:50
Mission failed successfully the sequel 27:42
The Underdark 2 electric boogaloo 31:23
A singular strategy 34:23
Game: Baldur's Gate 3, PC platform.
#bestguest #baldursgate3 #multiplayer