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The Basics of RV Maintenance (SO SIMPLE) Full Time RV Living

Today is Someday 133,948 5 years ago
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Some links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission at no cost to you. The Basics of RV Maintenance (SO SIMPLE) Full Time RV Living: DIY RV maintenance is not difficult. There are so many items you can take care of yourself to same time and money. It will also keep your RV road worthy! Set up your maintenance schedule with a free RV maintenance spreadsheet (link below). Free RV Maintenance Spreadsheet: Items Shown in Video: Pressure Regulator: Y-Gate: Hose Quick Connect: Lambswool Pad and Holder: Wash & Wax All: Telescopic Ladder: Anode Rod: Thank You 3-IN-ONE for Sponsoring Our Video! Protect against the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays with 3-IN-ONE® RVcare Rubber Seal Conditioner ( When used regularly, it will reduce friction and wear on slide-out seals. The conditioner also protects rubber seals on windows, doors, compartments and hatches, and can be used on rubber seals on boats, cars and other vehicles. Keep your RV slide-outs in good working order with 3-IN-ONE® RVcare Slide-Out Silicone Lube ( Its formula lubricates, waterproofs and prevents rust and corrosion on all types of slide-out mechanisms. 3-IN-ONE® Lock Dry Lube ( is also useful to keep on hand. It loosens, lubricates and protects locks in your RV. To protect RV windows against the elements, spray 3-IN-ONE® RVcare Window & Track Dry Lube’s ( protective lubricating film on the tracks. You can find where to buy all 3-IN-ONE products here: Available at Walmart: and For more tips, follow 3-IN-ONE Brand on Facebook and Instagram. ********** You, Me & the RV ********** Today is Someday: Sign up for our Newsletter: Facebook: Instagram: ********** HARVEST HOST ********** SAVE 15% on your membership with this link and code Link: Code: YOUMERV ********** MUSIC FOR THIS VIDEO ********** Music by Epidemic Sound ********** OUR FAVORITE RV GADGETS & CAMERA GEAR ********** **********RULES OF ENGAGEMENT********** ANY comments, material, content or posts that are racist, fraudulent, unlawful, defamatory, pornographic, profane, liabalist, sexist, abusive, offensive, threatening, hateful, include full or partial nudity, are obscene or otherwise objectionable will be immediately deleted. Specific examples include, but are not limited too: -Links or comments containing sexually explicit content material. -Violations of copyright or intellectual property rights. -Spam, link baiting, or files containing viruses that could damage the operation of other people’s computers or mobile devices. -Political advertisements You, Me & the RV has a "Zero Tolerance" policy for such comments, material, content or posts. Users posting such content may immediately be banned from using the site without notice. ********** Disclaimer ********* We are a participant in several affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to affiliated sites. It does not cost you anything to use these links. Every product we recommend, we actually use ourselves, so please use our links. Thank You, Phil & Stacy #ymrv #youmeandtherv #todayissomeday You, Me & the RV You me and the rv
