30ppi Foam - https://glassboxdiaries.com/30ppifoam
Filter Floss - https://glassboxdiaries.com/filterfloss
Nano Hang On Back Filter - https://glassboxdiaries.com/nanohobfilter
Hang On Back Canister Filter - https://glassboxdiaries.com/hobcanisterfilter
Fluval FX2 Canister Filter - https://glassboxdiaries.com/fluvalfx2
Box Filters - https://glassboxdiaries.com/boxfilter
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The Best Aquarium Filter Media For Easy Safe And Stable Water Parameters For Thriving Fish!
Welcome to my in-depth look at why I believe 30ppi foam is the best filter media for aquariums that need safe, stable water parameters without breaking the bank. I’ve tested a range of popular media—ceramic rings, cartridge inserts, and premium brands like Seachem Matrix—and yet I always end up going back to 30ppi foam for its affordability, ease of use, and impressive biological filtration.
First, let’s touch on mechanical, biological, and chemical filtration. Mechanical filtration uses materials like filter floss to trap debris and cloudiness in the water. I place a thin layer of floss in front of my 30ppi foam, letting the foam stay cleaner for longer. Biological filtration is where 30ppi foam truly shines: it provides a vast surface area that allows beneficial microorganisms to convert toxic ammonia into nitrite, then into less harmful nitrate. Chemical filtration, such as activated carbon or Purigen, is optional and only needed in specific circumstances. Once your aquarium’s cycle is stable, you may not need chemical media at all.
One of the greatest advantages of 30ppi foam is how easy it is to clean. When it starts to clog, I simply remove it and squeeze it out in old tank water during a water change. This quick rinse dislodges debris without killing off the beneficial bacteria, which can happen if you expose the foam to tap water with chlorine or a significant temperature difference. Compared to rigid media—like ceramic rings or sintered glass—foam maintenance is a breeze, and it won’t develop hard-to-reach buildup that reduces filtration efficiency.
Another reason I love 30ppi foam is its durability and low cost. You can purchase a large sheet or block and cut it to fit almost any filter, from hang-on-back units to canisters. It won’t need frequent replacement like cartridge media, which saves money over the long term. Cartridge inserts typically combine filter floss and carbon in a single unit that must be thrown out entirely once the floss clogs. With foam, you can switch out the floss as needed, keeping the established bacterial colonies on the foam intact.
Finally, let’s compare 30ppi foam to more expensive materials. Ceramic and sintered glass media often clog, cost more, and take more work to clean thoroughly. Brands like Seachem Matrix claim to reduce nitrate, but achieving the low-oxygen conditions for this process can be difficult in an average aquarium filter. For most people, simply using 30ppi foam with a pre-filter floss layer provides excellent water clarity and stable parameters. I hope this helps you make a more informed decision about your filtration setup. Thanks for watching, and happy fishkeeping!
00:00 - Intro
00:17 - What Is The Best Filter Media For Aquariums?
01:05 - The Three Stages Of Aquarium Filtration
02:45 - Why Is 30PPI The Best Filter Media?
02:57 - Large Surface Area
04:10 - Cleaning And Maintenance
04:49 - Cleaning 30ppi Foam Filter Media
06:09 - Durability And Reusability
07:00 - Price
07:44 - Customisation
08:48 - Comparing 30ppi Foam To Other Filter Media
08:59 - Filter Media Cartridges
11:02 - Ceramic Filter Media
11:31 - Sintered Glass Filter Media
12:18 - Seachem Matrix
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