한달동안 준비한 베스트헤링본스티치입니다.
떠보다가 개발한 기법입니다!
무늬끊김없이 연결되는 자연스러운 헤링본스티치를 만들고 싶으시다면
베스트헤링본스티치로 떠보세요:)
This is a method of herringbone stitch that the slip stitch mark is not visible.
This method was created by ddeoboda.
I would appreciate it if you could leave the source when using it.
무사슬 짧은뜨기 (invisible join single crochet) https://youtu.be/6kE8Md6D_UI
무사슬 긴뜨기 (invisible join half double crochet) https://youtu.be/GzowA7jwF1M
#헤링본스티치 #헤링본스티치빼뜨기 #헤링본스티치코바늘
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