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After analyzing millions in ad spend, I’ve found the hooks that are dominating right now—some are brand new, some have evolved, and one? It’s crushing across nearly every product and industry.
00:00:00 - 00:00:54 Why hooks are so important on Meta Ads
00:00:55 - 00:01:28 Hook 1: Tradition
00:01:29 - 00:02:33 Hook 2: Conversational
00:02:34 - 00:03:27 How I use Storyblocks
00:03:28 - 00:04:44 Hook 3: Virality
00:04:45 - 00:05:38 Hook 4: Reactions
00:05:39 - 00:07:22 Hook 5: Controversy
00:07:23 - 00:08:28 Hook 6: Triggers
00:08:29 - 00:10:00 Hook 7: Demographic
00:10:01 - 00:10:55 Hook 8: Multiples
00:10:56 - 00:11:42 Hook 9: How do I know if?
00:11:43 - 12:50 Hook 10: Speed & Transformation